10 Weight Loss Mistakes: BELLY Fat Kam Kyu Nahi Ho Raha?

10 Weight Loss Mistakes: BELLY Fat Kam Kyu Nahi Ho Raha?

In this video we're gonna talk about 10 weight loss myths, misconceptions & mistakes which you might be following and not seeing desirable changes in your fat loss journey. Some or all of these reasons could be why you aren't losing some of that stubborn belly fat. If you've always asked the question: How to lose belly fat, or how to get visible abs, or how to burn belly fat fast, give this video a watch because I don't want you to be making the same mistakes that I made early on. We talk about everything from, HIIT cardio & low intensity cardio to intermittent fasting, do carbs make you fat and whether you need to use fat burners or not. Hope you all enjoy and learn something new!
#bellyfat #fatloss #weightloss